A colourful carrier bag, Scissors ,Tape
•Take a carrier bag that's a bright colour
•The idea is to draw six or seven petal shapes - pointy ovals - onto the carrier bag.
•Cut them out carefully
•For the centre of the flower, cut out a circle from a different coloured bag. Pinch it in the middle, bunching the circle up.
•Hold it in place with some tape.This can be a bit fiddly!]
•Then, add on the petals.Put them around the edges.
•Hold two or three in position, and add on some tape.
•Keep adding petals in the same way, going around the centre, until you've created a whole flower.
•You could even twist a green bag into a long stalk, holding it in place with lots of tape.Stick the flower onto the other end!
•You can experiment with different coloured bags. and different petal shapes.
Nice idea..Tagged you here